"I'd give up shopping but I'm not quitter"
"Live. Love. Life"
"Dance as if no one is watching, Sing as if no one is listening, live every day as if it were your last"
"One life, Live it."
"Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity"
"Smile, its the best thing you can do"
"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are"
"I believe in pink. I believe laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing; kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."
"Fashion comes and goes, style is eternal"
"In order to be irreplaceable, one must be different"
"Listen to the lies and you'll soon learn to trust no one"
"dont tell me the skys the limit when theres footprints on the moon"
"someone, somewhere out there is some who loves you for exactly the kind of person you are, complete with all the floors and failings"
"sometimes tears can express feelings easier than words"

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

A little Update

On a first note: Hope Everyone had a lovely Christmas! 

To be very honest, it didn't feel like Christmas that much? It did, but I didn't have a load of toys to play with unlike my little brother who practically owns the collection of doctor who and scooby doo toys; lucky thing!

Can't say I wasn't a little bit spoilt this Christmas though! I did indeed get some vee lovely clothes jewellery and a vee gorgeous watch! Very happy girl! 

I don't care how cheesy, but you did make my Christmas, and if you do read this you know fine well you did! I'm a very happy girly and I hope things stay that way! *fingers, toes, eyes and nose crossed*

This holidays has gone oh so slow and I think I couldn't of made it less productive if i tried! I've done hardly anything but nip into town and wake up half way through the day and not end up getting ready till 2:00 in the afternoon! 

Kind of looking forward to going back to school in a very strange way.. Not looking forward to these exams in the middle of January though! no revision done what so ever at all! FUCK! 

Lots Love! XX

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Merry Christmas Eves Eve!

tra la la la laaaaa! two sleeps till Christmas, I've got it drilled into my mind that the actual day will be better than how much I am thinking about it!
I know practically everything I am getting from mama and papa clause, however, mama G has told me the little box wrapped on top of her wardrobe is a 'suprise' and it's something I will like very much... I hadn't thought about all this until she mentioned it to me! ta!
Not that I'm ungrateful or anything! :)

The little brother is veeeee excited bless him! Every morning for the past week I've had a personal calender to tell me how many sleeps until santa's coming...
I must say santa is a fiiiine excuse of a way for getting children to behave.. : "Remeber; santa is watching!"
Played Hide and seek with the little guy this evening to pass some time, I'm fourteen, going on fifteen, and I was so much so dedicated to playing hide and seek I spent 20 minutes hiding under a bed and refused to come out until he found me.... wow. Clearly shows what's happening to my life..

I must say, indeed i do love  sore throats! not! It's killing me! I feel ever so drained and full to the rim with cold! How lovely! Guaranteed to be present on Christmas day, yet again, lovely! 



Wednesday, 15 December 2010


Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul. 
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

This is practically the whole answer to my last post...
Very impressed. 

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

You know that feeling?

You know that feeling when you think there is not one single person in the world that you're better than..?
When you look at absolutely gorgeous pictures of someone and think, ofgs!
I know life isn't about being better than anyone, its about being yourself, and i do always try to be myself, I don't know how people can act fake? Its just to much effort! But doesn't everybody get that little bit of jealousy? When you think you were as slim as them, had hair like them or something like that? 
Its just little things that get to me sometimes..?

I sound such a jealous person! Thats really bad!

Why hello there

Long time no see I believe, I have'nt really thought to write much on here recently??
Dont know why to be honest!

You know, some things really do just make me smile but I'm not sure whether I think you care as much as you say you do? I do know you, but maybe I don't know you well enough? You're lovely, and you don't half make me smile an awful lot, but like I said, are you just pretending or are you being serious?

Anyways, on another note, i cant wait till christmas! 11 days? yes!


Collaged like half of my wall, I'm quite impressed! 
Mum: "okay please stop now sophie, you've done enough"

Not happening! I am getting quite into collaging it all! Find it quite therapeutic !


Monday, 6 December 2010


I'm getting annoyed at the very slightest things I can at the moment, I don't even know why. But any little thing someone does to wind me up makes me want to shout at them but I haven't, and I still feel the need to take my un-needed anger out!
I really need to be careful what I post on here, I'm being really stupid about it all and its becoming more of a diary than a blog. It's shit enough as it is without me creating questions about my life on it?
Decided to remove the link off my facebook for a while. Not even needed. I don't care who reads this, but until its sorted out, its staying off.

I cant be bothered with school at the moment. Every lesson today seems to have no point to it apart from 'you-need-to-get-your-arse-into-gear' kind of point. I'm so lazy. I'm practically addicted to the internet?! As soon as I open up the laptop I go straight onto facebook, to post read and post status' no one really cares to read and we all complain we're incredibly bored!
I do hardly any work to it, it's silly.

I'm finding it really hard with what I want to wear and purchase clothing wise at the moment. I'm not even sure what kind of style I have going on? I've got some lovely things for Christmas, but however hard i try, whatever i wear i feel like i haven't tried at all and I look messy!?
I don't mind wearing jeans and I've stopped wearing skirts as much; I wouldn't say what I wear is incredibly bad but I don't know what direction my wardrobe is heading in. It's got about five different styles merged into  one..

Bit of a random post but okay.


ps. I fancy making a cake but mama G doesnt trust me in the kitchen, thanks! 

Sunday, 5 December 2010


Okay,  Spent a usually un-productive day of a Sunday in Newcastle mooching around dropping hints to mr and mrs clause. Is it wrong that everything I would like for Christmas is from TopShop?
Yes, that is bad..
however, they're all really lovely items of clothing! Just my whole budget blown...
  1. Navy Tapered trousers
  2. Jeans
  3. Cream top
  4. Navy cardy
  5. Grey sweater 
  6. Red blouse
  7. Cream buttoned shirt
  8. Red trimmed vest
  9. Bag
That will do me very  nicely! 
I can't wait to put the Christmas tree up! It gives such a christmassy feeling to the atmosphere! love it. 

On another note; I'm getting so annoyed with some people, you like what you like, I like what I like. Get on with it.

That can do for now! 


ps. Micheal buble last nights programme, wow, you're amazing.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

snow day? pfft.

I'd of very much appreeciated it if today, we were not at school today. What an actual waste of time. We did nothing all day!?
Stupid man, there is about 12 inches of snow + and two years of the school have to go in, probably just to make the school look good.
Honestly, completely ridiculous.

On the bright side, I started to collage my wall with loads of magazine cut outs, I got bored of my wall so thought I'd do something 'creative'; well it's hardly creative but now I do kind of fancy extending it a little bit..

The snow will not stop! It's completely ridiculous!? I know the snow can be fun, but maybe there is wayyy  too much now?!
I think we're at school tomorrow as well, just like today.
Fun fun fun. not. 

Looks a bit naff, but it will be improved! 


Wednesday, 1 December 2010

"Edinburgh trip cancelled due to heavy snow forcast"

Well that can f off! You do know how to have a joke don't you.
Okay snow, you've had your fun, can we get on with our lives now?
Pop back when we fancy a day off? ta.
The amount of dosh I have saved and how long we have waiting, I'm not impressed.
Regardless of how ill I feel today,

Oh, forgot to mention. Year 10s & 11s at school tomorrow due to GSCE mocks. That's absolutely taking the complete piss. We haven't been at school all week, who's going to bloody teach us?!

Its snowed about 10 inches, and we're to expect even more today and tomorrow due to a lot more heavy snow..
so why do we have to go to school and the rest of the school don't when surely there is no teachers who can get it. You're a clever cloggs Pat. 
Is anybody even going into school tomorrow.

The back garden. Quite literally, a blanket of snow. 


Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Snow day 2#!

wowwwww, Five day weekend is, well, its great!
There is so much snow its unbelievable!
Off for a trek up to high Connie... oh dear, 40 minute walk up can't be that bad..?
We'll see! 
Going to make an igloo with NF in the snow.. yes! 

I'll be sure to pop a few snaps up if we get anywhere with it...!?


Monday, 29 November 2010

Clouds of sulphur in the air

Not sulphur, snow!

Sat with LFS in the cosy warm, as, yes, it is a snow day. mhmm!
Popped into the town for a look round and a little bit of snowball fight... went well ta!

Absolutey love the snow now! I recon its snowed about six inches, and more to be expected!
Thats what we like to see!

Wishing it will snow a little bit more tonight for another day off! That would be a tad of love! 
Edinburgh will be abs mint in this weather! I think doubling up with the socks, maybe triple is in order..!
I wonder if it has actually snowed more over there..?

I'll just shut up and wait and see.. yes sophie.

Much love for now

Sunday, 28 November 2010

I hope, I think, I know

Yeah, you look alright, from a distance.. at night.. behind a wall.
I just saw that and ohh how i laughed!

I guess I have a slight weight lifted off my shoulder, so yeah, im alright...?

Anyways! popped into toon with mama for a bitta christmas shopping!
  • Tapered trousers
  • cardi
  • sweatshirt thingy
  • tunic styled top
  • another kntted cardi
Santa is a babe.
Unfortunatly they're going away till christmas but they're all lovely! 

Sledging was, eventful..?
After numerous snow ball fights, snow angels, cups of coffee, and racing with sledges i knew at some point i was going to hurt myself..
Still slightly laughing at it now, this story probably womt interest you,but im going o tell you anyways, regardless to the fact im about to literally explain making a tit of myself..
Running down a quiet street pulling a sledge with SS layed across. Bearing in mind this road was slippy and icey, it quite clearly wasnt going to go top well..
The sledge happened to catch me up running and went into the back of my legs, reaultig with me falling head over heels, into the snow, rolling over the sledge and SS in the prosess...mhmm, complete tit?!
At least no body saw, plus, it was rather funny!
It took us about two minuites to stop laughing and unfold ourselves from a tangled position!

I do hope it snows tonight, an extra day off wouls be lovely! (doubt it will happen!)


ps, wish this cold would dissapear?  

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Maybe thats what happens when a tornado meets a volcano?

Okay, I've calmed down since my last post. I find iy kind of laughable that i get that easily wound up...?
But still, there was no need in the absolute slightest to take your foul mood out upon me over such a ridiculous matter!

The one thing that slightly fustrates me about this blog is that im worried i say something i shouldnt; I wouldnt go bitching about anybody regardless however to say this is somewhere i can share my feelings, its a bit of a hard sitch for me to do say..

I'm just so so confused!

Im hoping it will snow tonight, or maybe tomorrow night, popping to town with mama g tomorrow again to have a mooch at a few items for christmas!
I've openened my blind ever so slightly just to watch out if it does snow, yeah sad much sophie.

Anyways, considering the time is ridiculous,
much love! XX


wow, you frustrate me so so so so so so so so MUCH! 
I haven't actually done anything that makes you so annoyed at me? Just shut up. !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not in a good mood now.
The only good thing is it has snowed about three/ four inches. woop.

I can't even be bothered to write anything else, I'm that annoyed.


Friday, 26 November 2010

In December drinking Horchata.

Defo becoming lovely and wintery now!
Christmas soon! eeeeek! 
Day off school today was defiantly lovely and well needed! Went round to the Sheilds house hold avec NF and had a lovely afternoon. I love adding bits of French to sentences! 
I have to say, CS, I sooooo nailed you on the wii at boxing. First round, KO. Enough said.

Snow in the garden + the little brother prancing about.

I'll leave that picture with you.


Thursday, 25 November 2010

Snow. Snow.

Okay, I'm about to completely contradict myself in this post... Yes i said i hate snow, and im see i will as soon a it turns to slush, but today, i have to say i did enjoy todays school day with the snow..
It brightend up the day as everybody was happy, so yeah, i guess it wasnt too bad!

Late night shopping in the town today do had a little walk in with NF, ive seen a lovely jumper that i would like! Plus a few extra bobs off santa...? I cant wait till christmas.. I wont shut up about it! I have a little bit of a cheeky list, but i think i need to rub a few things off, i think i went a bit over board.

Popped round for a cuppa at nana janes! I love my nana! Wonderful woman!
Remider; need to pop round to the grandparents, havent seen them in so long?!

Got my eye on a jumper before Edinburgh for the cold! Fingers crossed it shall be a quick purchase!


Wednesday, 24 November 2010

lets get festive!

I've made a little bit of an addition to the blog, I'm rather happy with it now. Not much different but just enough!
Christmas time!
Edinburgh at the end of next week! I don't care if it's to do art work, two hours of shopping is good enough for me! I love Edinburgh, it's very.. big. and christmasy. 
I cant wait to stick up the Christmas tree and pop prezzies under!
Mama G has asked me to make a Christmas list, erugh. I hate making Christmas lists! I don't like listing things that i would like! I'd rather just walk round shops and subtly point out what I would like and hope mothers instinct would take the hint..

I don't even know why I'm writing this post. I have lots of English notes to be making.. Trying to avoid doing so quite clearly.

No Sophie. Has to be done. Lets crack on!


glue guns.

I hate hot glue guns..hasn't exactly gone down well with my hands! I seemed to forget how hot it was as I smeared glue across objects then yelping at the reality of the heat. nice one sophs! 

"oh sorry sophie, i forgot to tell you these are extra hot glue guns!"- nice one Johnson! 
However I was reminded earlier by a friend they were hot... so much for listening! 

If it snows tonight or tomorrow I will not be happy! 
Nope! Not at all. okay, I like the snow; but walking to school, getting pelted with snow, and getting cold and wet feet. mmmmmm, I can't say I'd be looking forward to that?! Apart from maybe a little bit of sledging..? I dont care how old I am!

Day off on Friday for 'teacher training day' well thats a lie! Last teacher training day I saw at least five teachers out?! I dont even know why I'm complaining..? It's the day off isnt it?
Yes sophie. Just shush..
I want to make Friday a productive day! I think the plan is going for a treck in the cold with LFS..? (I'm sure we could make a day out of it if we walk somewhere nice..!)


oh, ps, i cant stop listening to 'Pyro'- Kings of Leon
Just thought I'd share that with you...

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

shine, shine, shine on.

I'm still giggling to myself slightly when I think about my little blip/ unexpected fall today. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to describe this without sounding like an absolute twoot.
I'm not sure what i really did, sat inside in a warm classroom to avoid the bitter weather with LFS CS NF &JK and suddenly stood up and fell to the floor...

Yep, sounding like a twoot...

Oh well, it made us all giggle a little!

Not made my mind up about the weather yet.. walking to school today was hell. Taking extra care to make sure I didn't make a fool out my self and slip over.. Head down, and walk walk walk. 
Story from LFS made me laugh, "Bambi on ice" as she put it. That girl always puts a smile on my face :')

I have a feel of personal satisfaction today as I've realised I've managed to save eighty pounds.. Lovely! All set for Edinburgh I think! Maybe get a bit of Christmas shopping done! I cannot wait till Christmas. How many days?! 
Okay, I haven't actually counted but it's close!


Monday, 15 November 2010

She moves in her own way.

I find it hard to believe I've spent most of this evening walking round the house with my six year old little brother clinging onto my ankle and dragging him as I walk. Not to mention when I sit down, him tickling my feet... How lovely!
Still love the little man like! He doesn't half make me laugh.

Speaking of feet, my feet hurt. Dancing yesterday really did them no good. ouch. 

I feel a little bit more up to date with homework, course work, and slightly more on top of this!
wow it feels so much better to say that.

I'm positive I've killed my hair... It's soooooooo dry from the straighteners! I'm not impressed to say the least.
Definitely wanting a change with my hair sometime soon! Winter= dull hair. Also wish it would hurry up and grow. 


Thursday, 11 November 2010

colourless colour

The title to this post describes exactly what the weather was like this morning. I managed to sleep in till five to eight... as I had to be ready within the next fifteen minuets, I wasn't best please with myself! I blame the weather. sun sun sun!
pah! you joking! It was dull. dark. and awfully miserable. Looking out the window just gave me the shivers,
nothing a good coffee cants solve!

Forgot I was going to the dentist today, positive my brain forced myself to forget about it! Glad mama remembered not!
How lovely it is to hear : "I'm afraid you're going to have to come back for three small fillings.."

three!? that's a joke. Never ever ever had a filling before and now three. woweee. Don't even care how small they are. :(

(On a positive note, at least they're not giant silver things...?)

But apart from that I'm in a reasonable mood!


Wednesday, 10 November 2010

moats and boats and waterfalls.

I'd love a double bed. I want a double bed. whyyyy don't I have a double bed. 

Bit over dramatic I know, but I would rather like one.. :)

Middle of the week, bring on the weekend! 
Lovely night out, however its bitterly cold! I think I need to wrap up a little bit more!
A little bit lost with homework at the moment; not at all a good thing! Need to get my act together more!!


Monday, 8 November 2010

its just the way I'm feeling.

I  love writing this blog. I don't expect anybody to read this, its just nice for me to be able to write this, I find it a little help, slightly calming..?

On another note; happyhappyhappy, I think. 
It's kind of knocked the negative off my mind for a bit, but it keeps popping up. oh i dont know?!
We'll see, we'll see! 
Have some really lovely friends, so thankyou, if your reading this you will know who you are. *smiley face* 

pretty pretty red dress from mama today, looking forward to wearing it to JB's party!
I don't really know anyone going apart from LF so i guess a bit of mingling is in order..

Probably one of the most boring posts ever. Not much to tell I guess!


p.s. nice blog G (: xx

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Fireworks & muddy boots!

I absolutely love the fireworks from yesterday! Lovely Lovely night out! however I must say, to the next door neighbours letting off fireworks, please pack it in; its a Sunday!
Have some boots that need a good clean now as a result, oh well!

Definitely not  looking forward to school.

not much else to say.. cya! xx

Friday, 5 November 2010


okay, it has to be said I do indeed love this song! It completely enlightens my mood!
I keep humming the chorus around the house, whilst getting the usual funny look of the rents...

Loving the winter morning weather! Crazy people complaining?! Its great, wakes me up a little.
Thank god it's the weekend! Funnily enough, today did go as quick as I had hoped! This weekend better not go so fast or I shall not be impressed.
Bit of a giggle in today's goggers lesson. eeeeh gosh I do love NF & CS. The laughs of today!
Cheeky comment from CS:
"miss, once your finished up here can you come down and check my equipment?" ...

Think about it a little.. oh my, oh dear...


p.s. Happy Bon Fire night! 

Thursday, 4 November 2010

stuffed crust and extra topping please..

Well a lovely filled tummy filled with pizza and cookie dough..
A night out with the cousin for a pizza and lovely chat was just what I needed to brake down the week.

start to the diet? oh well 

Having one of those 'your-really-going-to-piss-me-off-moods' with you at the moment; so if you wouldn't mind, please hush up a tad?

wow, lovely to get that out my system (however much of a bitch I may sound)

I'd very much love tomorrow to go extra quid to make it the weekend; not got any plans for tomorrow night, but ill make sure I do just to get a brake!
Feeder tickets in February, £20... woweeeee

ps. I've taken the good friends advice and I'm going to try and stop thinking about 'all that'
too frustrating to even bother getting me started.


Wednesday, 3 November 2010


Well its clear to say my thoughts are all in a little bit of a muddle at the moment. Prefer to leave it at that.

school; yawn. Maybe this could be due to the ridiculous times I have been falling asleep, or maybe that its just not on my 'to do list' to want to do much work at the moment. (however bad that may sound)

1) some revision 
2) art cw
3) sort out the ridiculous state of my wardrobe...

not to bad I guess.
I think that maybe that little input of maths revision may pay off *touch wood*
But we shall see!

Not much else to say...


Sunday, 17 October 2010

very average joe

lovely lovely weekend, until you have that moment when you look in the mirror and think wow you could just try a little bit harder couldnt you?
thats how im feeling.
Im confused about all my emotions at the moment. i could really do with a talk from that really close friend who seems perfect in every aspect yet im positive they cant feel the same way..

there is so many pretty girls, id kill to have that figure, that hair, that style, that bubbly personality where everything just passes over my head.
im starting to think that that dream is drifting further and further away, not that i thought id ever get there anyway.
They say your teen years are when you start to find yourself more, settle down to one person more or less
am i just going to be one of those people that starts really really late with all of that?

Im probably just sounding like a complete depressing low life who has no self esteem at all. I'd say i usually do, but at the moment no i do not.
I always give advice to others problems and let my problems be forgotten until you get that spare moment and they all come back and you cant find it as easy to listen to your own advice.
When i say 'problems' no they're not massive problems that will ever never go away. But they can still upset me, fight with my feelings and make me upset over nothing. Im sure most girls would agree with this.

Lets hope this ridiculously stupid mood soon passes

Saturday, 9 October 2010

A little indecisive?

As I haven't posted in a while i thought it was about time to get EVERYTHING out of my system...
Maybe this will help?

First note: I've got so many big ideas at the momentoo! I'm not sure whether these are good points or bad points
I fancy changing my bedroom around a little bit? I want it to be a bit more personal, and cosy. I've decided to collect together loads of different photo frames and pop some quirky prints in it, photos, bits and bobs! sounds like a bit of a plan i think?!

Another change: I'm sick of clothing changing so quickly, such a big list of things i would like to purchase possibly soon if possible?! 
1. new skinny jeans (a very big must at the moment)
2.cosy joggers
3. couple of lounging tees
4. worker boots!
5. A new BAG ( so so so so desperately)
6. biggggggggggg knitted jumper

Okay, that's a big enough list but i could go on and on and oonnnn.

another note: I cant seem to get over you..
we'll leave it at that shall we?

OH, and after a lovely trip into Newcastle in Hollisters I'm officially jealous of every tall blonde skinny girl in that shop!


Sunday, 26 September 2010

"just get to the point.."

Truth is, I'm not to sure where I'm actually going with this?
I have so so so many thoughts that run through my head, i thought writing this blog would be as easy as writing a diary?
For me, I really don't think it is?! I plan, or at least try to write here everyday, and everything that i have been thinking about throughout the day flies out of my head as soon as my wriggling fingers touch the key board.
Most likely that not many people read this thing, its more of a little keepsake for me to blab on to.
I've been ever so careful not to ever write anything specifically aimed at anyone, i don't want to be made out to be a 'bully'.
I guess this blog title is quite a lovely little quote 'the futures brighter when hearts are lighter'
It makes so much sense to me! writing on here lets my thought (well, those that I remember when writing this) flow out and make much more sense when I re-read them!
anyway, yeah, I don't know where I'm going with this?


Thursday, 23 September 2010

Give me a break!? PLEASE!

Wow. have I been asleep for the past two weeks or something?!
where the hell did all this homework and course work come from?!
Its a JOKE. Art coursework seemed a bit of a doddle until three hours into school when I was told that Johnson expected five, yes five, pages of work done by Wednesday! yeah, good luck with that one!
French: pahh! you expect me  to write three minutes worth of writing about 'my life' for tomorrow. That should be fun! I could practically  talk for England and the pressure of actually having to think of anything to write about my life is stupid! The 'speaking in French' part sounds interesting enough for me...

The only thing keeping me going at this moment in time is BIRTHDAY BASH tomorrow night!


Tuesday, 21 September 2010

These days are moving fast ahead...

One and a half years and I've finished school. Oh my how it has gone fast!
It doesnt seem like two minuites ago that i was back in year seven!
However saying that, im glad to not be back in year seven. Youngest, clueless and smallest. Walking down the corridors i think, 'surely i wasnt that small...' Either they are getting smaller and smaller each year or I've grown way way way more than i thought i had!

Well how time flies when your having fun... *cough cough*

LOVE! xx

Monday, 20 September 2010


Wow my moods change fast!
Quite literally within the space of at least 20 minutes or so my mood will decide to change, and NO i don't approve of it. My head is not on the right side for me today! So so dosey! This week is going to be a tres slooooowwww one!

School work just really isn't appealing to me. I don't have that much and I'd rather it stayed that way! Art is practically a death sentence! nothing good has yet come out of it! I'd rather it just skipped a couple of months and my art 'skill' was 'brilliant' and i could just get on with it. I don't have the patience for this preparation.

Sometimes I wish I was five again, when choosing which coloured pencil to use was the hardest thing ever.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Little jacket.

A £3 bargain..

I would go out tonight but i haven't got a stitch to wear...

'i havent got a stitch to wear' . . . ?

hmmm, i have to disagree; i have waayyyy to much to wear. its ridiculous. and yet i still need to buy something new for a different occasion. I just picked up two lovely little items, for a fiver...
possible? i think so!
My wardrobe has not got to the stage where i am finding it hard to get anything out of it, its completely packed!
Three birthday occasions coming up! i guess its mix and matching time!

Wednesday, 1 September 2010


This is one of my favourite songs at the moment! It is originally by Lissie on her own, but i was on you tube and this duet with Ellie Goulding popped up and i was very impressed!
Take a listen to it!
Sophiee x

say goodbye to the summer...

So its the end of the holidays. Five and a half weeks of no school work, long lie ins, and doing what you want.
I guess the weather hasn't always been as brilliant as we had wished! But it hasn't been that bad!
It comes to winter and we all wish it would hurry up and get to the summer?! Soon as it is the summer, we arent full filled by the pathetic weather and 'sun'. Maybe thats just English weather for you but i can say that I sure can't wait for the winter!
Giant wooly jumpers, Big scarfs and hats, wearing anything and everything comfortable and cosy! It always seems that half way through the summer holidays, you buy a magazine and they already have gave you the new a/w collection?! Then for the next half of the summer holidays, you stare at your wardrobe for half an hour every morning, figuring out what it is you should be wearing!
I think i gave up about two weeks ago. Like most teenage girls, we all seem to own a plain body con skirt that you can wear with practically anything. It seems that every morning i would stare at my wardrobe finding something different to wear and end up wearing my little black skirt with a different top!

I have a bit of a collection going with the weekly 'Look' magazine. It's probably my favourite magazine at the moment. I buy it every week, read it in bed on the night time and take notes in my head of all the things i need to purchase when i next go shopping. we walk into the shops, look at the price tags and think that is way to expensive; i will never be able to get that!
Maybe it's just a bad habit of mine, but i seem to notice what people wear as they walk past me in the street, and they always seem to be wearing something better, or something that you have seen and want!
I never seem to be satisfied with what is the contents on my own wardrobe. i guess as the saying goes; 'you always want what you cant have'...

So back to clothing in the summer. its always 'less is more' or 'over done'. the bad thing with the summer collection is it is constantly changing! every week there seems to be a new item that you want more than the week before! And unless you have the money for it, we are usually left with what we blew last months allowance on.
I've picked up a few worth while items this summer i guess!
I pair of hareem style trousers, some little  brown brogues and a pair of gorgeous elastic strapped sandals!


Love always
Sophieee x

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Okay, I'm sure this blog has took me longer to set up than it should have...
I'm way to picky with colour schemes, thE lay out! It took my long enough to even think of a blog name! And im still not sure whether im happy with it, i am almost certain it will be something i'll be constantly changing.
I'm looking forward to posting blogs, however, i dont even know what im going to write about yet.
My first thought that springs to mind is clothes! I have a big fat obsession with fashion and clothes, I'm pretty much the typical teenage girl.
I dont plan on making this into a big life story/ diary. I've tried keeping diarys numerous times before! I write about three entries and then forget about it and put it back on my bookshelf to find it a couple of months later!

subscribers, followers and comments are welcome!
Its not going to be too impressive for the time being!
LoveLots. Sophieee xx